

When you have finished the round, please write the results on the match slip and have the winning player submit it to the Tournament Desk.
To fill out the match slip, each player simply writes how many wins they had, signs the slip, and then the winner submits it.
Please pay careful attention to the “drop” space, which is just for players who wish to withdraw from the event starting with the next round!

So, even if you lose, it’s all right! That isn’t the end! Weekday events run on the “Swiss” system, so that means each round you’ll face an opponent with the same (or similar) win record as you. Thus, win or lose, you can still enjoy slugging it out for the full three rounds!♪

And of course, a strong finish earns you prizes! Aside from Free Standard events, weekday events award booster pack prizes starting at two wins!

Word to the wise, after your match ends is a great time to have a chat with your opponent! You might glean techniques you didn’t know before and walk away with some tips for better play. And of course as more friends come together as Magic buddies, the more fun Magic becomes!♪

All righty, after pondering the massive advantages of the tourney life, you know you want in! Plus as you delve deeper into tournaments, you’ll only get more fulfillment out of Magic!

Even the Premiere-event-hopping Hareruya Pros were once beginners, too. Rest assured it’s quite normal to feel a little intimidated when first getting into tournaments. But the thrill of victory and the camaraderie of competing with friends makes it all the more worthwhile!