Thank you all for your support and love of our store in 2024!
Not only are we Hareruya continuously thriving but also Magic communities in the world keep getting bigger and stronger.
To appreciate every customer(of course including you!), we're going to hold the last store credit campaign in 2024 - 5x Store Credit Campaign!
Quote the specific post by attaching a photo of a card you wish...if you're feeling lucky, you may get that card for free!
See below for the detail ▼
December 10 (Tue) 12:00 am JST - December 15 (Sun) 11:59 pm JST
Available at:
Hareruya Online Store and real stores
*Both real stores and online stores of Hareruya 2/3 are not subject to this campaign -
Applied to:
Any purchase from Hareruya online store and at real stores
Instead of 1 store credit per 100JPY purchase, 5 store credit will be added to your account whenever you complete an order during the campaign
- To enjoy 5x store credit, orders by In-store Pickup should be settled up before the campaign ends. Placing an order by In-store Pickup itself doesn't grant additional store credit this campaign offers
- To acquire store credit, your own account at our online store is required
- Store credit expires 6 months later from the date of acquisition
- At real stores this campaign is applied to any purchase at cash registers (e.g. Paying an event participation fee doesn't grant additional store credit)
December 9 (Mon) 20:00 pm JST - December 15 (Sun) 11:59 pm JST
Available at:
X (@hareruya_mtg)
Quote the post about this campaign on X.
If you win the card, we will contact you via DM to your X account.
The following elements must be present in this quote:
1. The very information of the card you wish for (Up to 10000JPY)
2. Hashtag "#晴れる屋サンタに願いを"
- This campaign is only available for domestic customers who follow our Japanese account
- Card prices at 8pm of December 15 JST are used as criteria for this campaign
- The grade of cards will vary
- Should a card be out of stock when we pick winners, quoters of the card automatically lose this campaign
- Please reply to our DM by December 23 if you win a card. Should we find no response from you by the deadline, your win becomes invalid