*As much as possible 4players/table, but allow for 3-5 range. We have 2 games. Pairing will be changed each round.
*We generate pairings based on game level according to the game progression you are hoping to accomplish. If there are not enough participants, random pairings will be created.
*For more information about game levels,
please refer to this article(Japanese)
*One or two games will be played. At 60 minutes after the start of the first game, pairings for second game will be generated among the players who have already finished first game(and those who have already lose first game and give-up Moriage-Happy prize voting.)
*Once the winner has been determined, the players at the table are asked each other to decide "Moriage-Happy Prize" for this game.
*You may change your deck each round.
*Events are on a first-come, first-served basis. Capacity may change due to the availability of seats in the store.