• ■Event Location
    tournament center tokyo
  • ■Event
    7 Point Highlander[5rounds]#7ph
  • ■Date
    2023/9/30 12:00 pm
  • ■Registration
    2023/9/30 11:00 am ~ 2023/9/30 12:00 pm
  • ■Format
  • ■Capacity
  • ■Entry
  • ■Prizes
    Entry:Single card 100yen ticket
    5win: 5,000 Hareruya Points
    4 win: 3,000 Hareruya Points
    3 win: 1,000 Hareruya Points

  • ■General Information

    ●フォーマットの解説動画はこちら!! Youtube 【MTG対戦】ポイント制構築戦で遊んでみたら奥が深すぎた「7 Point Highlander」


    ●デッキと7 Point Highlanderの紹介記事はこちら!!

    *5rounds swiss. *Minimum N of participants: 8. In case it failed to reach them, this event was modified 3rounds, fee:500yen, prize: like daily event. *Late-Joining is allowed until the beginning of the round2. In this case, the fee lowered to 500 JPY. First round would be considered a no-show loss.
    *Early-dropping from this event is allowed at any time. You can do so by yourself using M:tG companion application. *Events are always on a first-come, first served basis. Capacity may change due to the availability of seats at the store.