• ■Event Location
    nagoya shop
  • ■Event
    Sealed Deck Magic League
  • ■Date
    2023/7/13 12:00 am
  • ■Registration
    2023/7/13 10:00 am ~ 2023/7/13 10:00 pm
  • ■Format
    Magic League
  • ■Capacity
  • ■Entry
  • ■Prizes
    At the end of the month, prizes will be presented according to the grades.
    Monthly Most Victory Award: Latest Premium Promo Pack 2 Pack
    Monthly most battle award: Latest Promo Pack 2 packs
    Random Award: 1 latest promo pack
  • ■General Information
    ■ Magic League Rule
    ・ When registering for participation, please purchase 3 packs of your choice.
    ・ Please build a deck of 30 or more using only the cards that came out of the pack and the land for rent from the store.
    ・ Participants can play against each other on the built deck at any time during business hours.
    ・ After the game is over, the poster posted inside the store will be
    If you win, put a "white" sticker, if you lose, put a "black" sticker and count the number of wins and losses.
    ・ You can purchase 1 pack for every 3 losses and add it to the pool.
    ・ Once a week, you can purchase one pack and add it to the pool.
    ・ Those who participate for the first time after the second week can purchase additional initial packs according to the start week.
    ・ Since the deck is stored at the store, you can feel free to participate at any time.
    (We will return it after the end of the period. The storage period is 30 days after the end of the league.
    It cannot be returned after the storage period.
    In addition, please return the land for rent at the time of collection. )
    If the maximum number of wins is the same, the winning percentage will be distributed to the higher one in the order of the number of matches, and if the number is the same, it will be randomly distributed.
    If the maximum number of matches is the same, it will be distributed to the higher number of wins, and if it is the same, it will be randomly distributed.
    Reception hours are until 22:00.
    Also, after 22:30, the match will be the last for the day.

    ■ Battle rules
    ・ One match is one in advance.
    ・ The first mulligan can be a free mulligan.
    ・ You can play up to 3 games against the same player in one day.